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Blog experience

Hi bloggers! it's a pity have to write you for the last time, but this is a signal that semestre is ending and the longed vacations are coming! So, in this last occasion I have to make an resume of my blog experience that I really enjoyed because it's something that I am not accustomed to do, because I have never been a good writer, but I have realized that is very interesting and funny. Is difficult for me have to choose one post, because I think all the posts was interesting, but I could say the post I enjoyed most was "A holiday" because made me remember an amazing familiar trip to a beautiful place. Besides, I enjoyed write about "A friend" because made me think why my best friend is the best and how much I love her and finally, write about "Something about you feel passionate about" and "Something artistic you like do" because I can shared with you my other artistic side. Ok, yes, I enjoyed all! ahahha but maybe I can say my least...

Últimas entradas


Special meal

Best Friends

Huilo Huilo

Live Love DANCE

México lindo y querido

Fiestas Patrias

Last weekend


Like a pigs